Wednesday, January 17, 2007

lazy, spiders, ipod

what a morning! lol...nothing major happened. It actually went very well. It was a bit hard to wake up Chris this morning though. My kids have NEVER had any trouble waking up in the mornings. As a matter of fact I don't remember a time I have had to WAKE my kids up for school. they have their own internal alarm and are usually up by seven. Taylor was awake this morning before I was and came and got into bed with me and told me that he had had nightmares. The one he remembered was the spiders that were going to take over the world. poor kid. thats about the only thing that kid is a afraid of. Spiders. Guess its my fault. I hate spiders, cant stand them. If we find them in the house I usually suck them up in the vacuum instead of squishing them and then flushing. I feel bad he hates them enough to have night mares. Well anyway back to waking up Chris. He responded to my sweet kisses by farting and then rolled over and buried his head. He sat on the edge of his ladder (bunk bed) and told me he was lazy today. That was it. Just felt lazy. His eyes were all puffy like he had NO sleep and just didn't want to move. I hope he is not have a LAZY day at school. He was asleep by 8:30 last night so I know he got enough sleep. Maybe it just wasn't 'good' sleep.

Any one catch AI last night? I hate this part of the show. Where they show all the horrible people during auditions and just a few of the good ones. I usually just skim through the first few weeks American idol and really start to watch when they get to hollywood. Been watching Your the one that I want, too. The show where America picks the next Sandy and Danny for Greece. Being a person who dreamed of being on Broadway I can't NOT watch these shows. Waiting for Lost to start up again also.

I am so excited! got my taxes done yesterday and.... WOW.... am I going to get back a lot! Let me tell you, sometimes being single is worth it! There is only a couple things I really want and the rest goes into savings. I am going to get a new lens for the baby (my camera) and an ipod. My sister in law got one for Christmas and I was impressed with how well it sounds. I am thinking about getting just the nano but the one that plays movies kind of peaks my interest too. hmmmmm....owell....

Well now that i have rambled on about nothing I am off!


  1. Do you mean Sandy and Danny for "Grease?"

  2. LOL...yes for Grease!! tee hee course they could have a sandy and a danny in greece....just a bit tanner than from the US

  3. Could be a travel show on Public TV!!

  4. thanks for visiting mine too....i come to your blog thinks you are the first person i have known to visit me and at least acknowledge it...maybe i will try harder
