Monday, June 5, 2006

Yah its been sorta pointed out that I am a BAD blogger

She may be right...Just have not had time to think about what to post! So i will just tell you what comes to my head.

EDITED to say: ok A FEW people have told me I was a bad blogger...

Had an OK weekend. Taylor had a soccer game Saturday and yet again he won the game...His was the only score. Feels pretty good, maybe to prideful huh? Did three layouts this weekend, and finished Lois's Bday present. Also cleaned house three times. Dang my kids are messy. Contemplated mowing my lawn, still contemplating so i guess I didn't do it.

Chris had a tooth pulled this afternoon. Same tooth Taylor had pulled. Will have a spacer in the exact same spot. Odd.

And what blog entry would be complete without a pic? Cku_221web Well here is one of my friend Heather with a paper THONG. Yes a thong. It was at CKU and her and a partner had to make an outfit out of the new AMM Courtier line. Yes a thong....the back is pretty dang funny too!!



  1. THANKS! you really are cheap entertainment! ROTFL (jjkng of course!) LOVE the pix of Heather...OMG that is hysterical! TOTAL BLACKMAIL!

  2. Love the pic! I don't think you are a bad blogger, I just didn't realized you switched your site! I have been looking at your photography site and thinking "why doesn't she talk about the kids?" Then somewhere I realized you had two blogs.
    I'm a dummy!

  3. I kept going to your Professional site! I will save this one!
    Oh the thong is too funny! LOL!
