Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have a neighbor (well not directly a neighbor, he lives down the street and around the corner) who likes to use is fireplace in the fall and summer. Now we all know how that smells. A little like cam fire minus the bugs right? Not his!!! For years this guy has burned only heaven knows what in his fireplace. Either pre treated lumber, garbage, tires, or automobile oil. Maybe even a combination of any of those. It is seriously gross and it was sooo bad this morning that you could smell even with all the doors and windows closed. When I got in my car and turned on the heater the smell came in. I just left to grab lunch and its STILL there when the vents come on. It is the most acrid horrible smell and I have no idea what the rest of the neighborhood thinks! Is there any law or ordinance that he his breaking cuz its seriously and ON GOING issue. I seriously want to call the cops but don't want to be the bratty neighbor if there is no reason!!! ACKKK what to do????


Here is the bag i made this weekend!!!

I made two at a time and they are almost the same and so I decided to take the second one to the retreat for my auction item!!!


  1. Just call him Stinky Mr Wilson! LOLOL
    THAT bag is *mine* just so ya all know....!

  2. Very Cute Bag!!
    do you think he's burning bodies? Worse smell in the world is a corn processing plant. Maybe he's using a cornburner.

  3. Love the bag. You are so talented. Auction items. HUMMMM?????? Can't wait to see you.
