Sunday, April 9, 2006

Thank you Danelle.....

Tpaint01web THIS is how great the sidewalk paint looks on my SON!! LOL.....He sure had fun!Tpaint03web_2

Thank goodness its all washable. The favorite technique was squirting it at mom as she came out the door. That stuff would shoot about 10 feet! You suck the paint up into a tube and use different head attachments for different effects. No attachments meant more fun.......


  1. OMGOSH! I LOVE IT ROBIN! Priceless pix!!!
    Happy Bday Tater-bug!!!!

  2. Gotta love Aunt Danelle don't you? What a treat. I'm sure she only bought it because she knew he would take it home to use....I tried to get C.J. to take them up to her house Sunday before he brought them back! Then they could have shared with her and her her house!

  3. Hey- what can I say? I know the kid is creative and I was just trying to provide a tool that would help him use his creativity and spark his imagination! You can't blame an aunt for that. Besides- it beats the heck out of play dough!!!! Side-note (Sally told me that if I ever gave one of her kids ths same toy, she would kill me!) Love you guys!!!!!
