Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Yo.....4 days left.

Yeah, 4 days till Christmas, 3 till Christmas Eve. Finally done with everything, cept a little project for a friend of mine. She has a million and one holiday decorations and has had a hard time keeping track of them all. So I am making her an "inventory" lunch box! There are dividers for each type of decoration. I will take pics of her decorations and collections and develop them after Christmas so she can just slip the pictures into the correct dividers. Easy for her and that way she knows what she has. This is really a problem for her because she has bought doubles of lot of things. Here is the outside!!000_1109

1 comment:

  1. You are so busted! Where'd you get your lunch tin?? Hmm? Do tell lady!
    Cute job btw! I love how you decorated it and it is a great, thoughtful idea!! GOOD WORK!
    Now, where'd you get it?
    ;O) Darla
