Sunday, September 30, 2007

found some time.

had a yucky, rainy, snowy day yesterday. I cleaned house and did laundry then found that the boys were itchy and ready to play but couldn't go out. We played hide and seek, and then went to see the game plan. I wasn't expecting too much out of the movie but it was actually pretty cute. The boys really enjoyed it. Afterward we went to Robert's and got a new candle warmer, then home to curl up on the couch and read. It was so yucky and cold!! Snow in September. Yuck..

.The_grad_4 Mt Genuine M_2 Love_the_little_things

Pappa and Gloria came over for brunch this morning and me and the boys played play station and pictionary then they did pearler beads while I finished some scrapping and circle journals that had to be done by Monday. Also finished a circle journal calendar that is due to go out next week. Feels good to have all that done. I also started some tags for a Christmas tag swap I am in. Also did this CUTE tag thingy for some decoration!! I will HAVE to post that too when I can.

I also.....drum roll please...........................

scanned some layouts I did at the retreat!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

kohls....i miss my pan

80163saute So i am in Kohl's this afternoon on my lunch hour. They are having a great sale on just about everything so I went in to get the boys some warmer clothes for the fall that has 'fallen' upon us so fast. The boys are so into all this 'stuff' on their shirts and I hate it. Kohl's has 'cool' clothes that we can all compromise with. Nicer clothes at walmart prices during their sales. I have yet to wash a shirt from Kohl's and have it fall apart! Plus huh? So any way onto the pan.

As I finished up on the boy's shopping I hopped on over to the kitchen area and found a fantastic 12 inch skillet and immediately wanted it. I have never bought a new pan. I have farberware hand me downs that are not to bad, but this is one of those cool big ones like you see all the chefs use on top chef and the food channel. I KNOW it will make my food taste JUST like theirs. So I have to have it you see. Well they had it priced clear down to 40 bucks!! It normally sells for 70, the cute little sign above it says so. Well I went to grab it and noticed the price tag on the lid said $245.00. Um WTH!? So after much searching I finally find a Kohl's employee to help me. I tell her I want 'this' pot for this price (see my chubby finger pointing to the 39.99?)

she said, 'oh, we don't sell that by itself. That price is for the WHOLE set."

"Oh yes you do" I say. "It says right here (still pointing with my chubby finger), I just want this one."

she says, "let me go see if I have one in the back. did you not see another one out?"

"No, thats why I found you" i say.

She runs to the back and comes back 10 minutes later to tell me they don't have any.

"can I just have this one here then? With the correct price?" I ask.

"well thats our display.....its not for sale...."

ugh....i told her fine I will just walk next door and get one at bed bath and beyond. I didn't but she doesn't need to know that....

Thursday, September 27, 2007

One of 'those'

I was informed yesterday that I had become one of 'those' type of people. The ones that start a blog, do really well for awhile then let it go. Well here I am, telling you I am not one of 'those' type of people. I am actually one of those 'other' type of people. the type of person who has suddenly found them selves happy to be cleaning, tidying and being with my family. I am one of those who has been busy enough at work that I rarely have free time to 'surf the net'. today is the exception. I am thankfully all alone. Both men are gone and I have had 3 phone calls looking for OTHER agents. Ones not even in this office. Easy ones really easy. I have a few things I need to do but other than that this is what I call a 'slow' day. And its Thursday...the day before Friday. Friday is pizza and movie night in my house. With my scrap area now in my family room maybe my kids will allow me to scrap while we Have lots of stuff I want to do. I need to finish a circle journal for kit and kaboodles, start a calendar circle journal with a group of friends and family and play some more with my KNK October kit. I ALSO want to make this cool little project that I am doing for my card club meeting next week. I want to get that done this weekend also. Gotta clean first, finish laundry and start the edging around some flour beds in the yard, and clean up the yard a bit.

I use you? Well you know, I shouldn't say I USE netflix. i have had the SAME three movies since June. With the move and all- they got packed and we only watched one of them so far. I have them unpacked and ready to send. I don't even want to watch them! Those were the most expensive three movies I have ever rented. I didn't really think i would have them this long. I didn't want to send them back just to receive three more movies while living in my dad's motor home while the house was being done. I wanted them somewhere safe so I wouldn't loose them...dang! Three months later and I STILL have them.. lol...better shake a leg huh?

So my friend Heather posted a really nice thing about me on her blog. Cept she posted my least favorite pic. Its a picture of her and her hubby i recently took just for fun, because I could. If you wanna c go visit her blog....and tell her to take it down...giggle....

I have layouts I want to scan and have been asked to by several people but just keep forgetting. I was proofing pics last night and it just slipped my mind...They are coming honest. maybe tonight.

this is a photo i took here at work of a friends grand daughter. she is so cute!! even with her snotty nose!


Kimberly03 Kimberly02 

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Home again home again!!

Well I made it back from the retreat!! I am tired, happy and comfy in my new home. Got a lot done and will share some of the projects soon! To see pics of the retreat check out the retreat blog!! Can't wait till next year!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

far and few between


seems like this old blog feels unused. So what. I have had other things to do!! like Unpack, clean, scrap, get ready for my crop and work full time!! lol

Here are a few things I did for Kit n' Kaboodles.



This was all with their October kit! I LOVE what they had. So inspired. I am working on more stuff this weekend at the retreat. Wanna do a mini album with it!

So the retreat is this weekend!! I am so not ready!! I got the actual retreat stuff done with the help of my friend Heather who planned the entire menu. THANK you Heather!! I am still doing laundry, and have not packed any of my scrap stuff or have any layouts planned!! ACK!! but my house is clean dinner is done and that is what I am planning to do!

Have a fantastic weekend!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oh the places you'll go....

in my house that is! Had LOTS of requests for more pics of my house. These are just point and shoots!! The first on is my scrap area in the corner of my family room. Coming in handy being in the same room the boys spend most of their time in!!


This next picture is my dining area just past my scrap area..the wall behind my desk is the wall that separates my dining from family room.


this next one is Bugs bedroom. He LOVES it!! He picked that rug out at walmart and loves to sit and play on it.


Well there are some more pictures for you! I hope you all have a great evening!! I am off to work on a layout for the new design team I am on!!

Fast forward.

My life seems to be in a constant state of run lately. Loving it, enjoying it and even pushing it faster!! lol...

I have thought of so many things to blog about but then the opportunity to write about them comes and goes. I finally have Internet at home so that will help! I have several pictures on my powershot of my new home but just don't have time to pull them off this morning. I promise to do that soon...giggle.

Saturday we had a great day of wallpapering the office and eating lunch with a friend. We had a great time and the job came out pretty nice. After that I did a quick visit with my friend Darla who just had surgery. She is doing well and hopefully she is getting enough rest. That night was a local High Schools homecoming dance and my friend Heather's daughter was going and she asked if I would come take pics! Of COURSE!! lol. Her daughter was so beautiful in a hot pink dress. Gorgeous hair and makeup....Here are a few!!




Even got one in of Heather!


Friday, September 7, 2007


I made the design team and Kit 'n Kaboodles!!! Its a fantastic monthly kit and through a friend (thank you sweetie!!) I had the oppoutunity to apply and I made it!! Can't wait to start playing with the kit!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


ack...i am so tired and worn out!! Had a GREAT three day weekend in my house though! My brother and sis in law came to visit and my bro built my front porch for me at HALF the cost I thought it would be!! YEAH!! Thanks mike and jen!! Planted three bushes, got my dog back, unpacked most of my scrap stuff and organized it, and put together ONE part of my new entertainment center with the help of my brother. I love my new house!!!

It was really hard to get my kids moving this morning, heck it was hard to get ME moving this morning. All we want to do is stay home!! We had to go to pet smart yesterday for dog food and a new doggie bed, and the boys just begged me to not go so we could stay home!! They just Love it there!! Its so nice to feel this way! Instead of DREADING the drive home wishing you didn't have to be there? Such a different feeling!

I do have more pics to share but they are in my camera at home. I have my computer set up but not the Internet yet...that reminds me gotta call to get that set up!!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!
