Sunday, August 19, 2007

They are finished.

The house is finished, the outside spigots are in, the water even works. I watered my dirt yesterday. Tried to put up fence posts but it we do that, no one can get my nasty porch out!! My friend Blake helped me put in one yesterday and do some cleanup and general stuff. I turned the water on the front yard to try to get it loosened so we can go over and do some raking today. When I went back last night to turn off the water i tried to spread it out and its still pretty packed down. There is no way I can do that myself. The workers drove thier trucks all over the yard while they were working on the house and the dirt is like cement. Stupid people. My neighbor (very nice guy) said his brother had one of those machines that kinda works like a till and he said maybe he could get him over there to till up the yard a bit so I can level it out. I can't put my brick walk way in if its not level. I need a walk way or we will be walking through mud to the door this winter. I need to weed wack the grass they did leave so it doesn't get out of control with weeds. This is going to be a lot of work! At least I have the excuse of winter coming to wait till spring to plant bushes and such. I can work on the inside of the house this winter. I hope...giggle.

Well we are off to do some raking and maybe even a little pick axing!! wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, even with the "bad" stuff this is all still SO exciting! I totally will help you with your yard in the spring, you know that, right??!! I can even come help weed whack if you want me to! (bring my own!!)
