Friday, February 23, 2007

so thankful!!

i am not going to go into it here, but my life was a little turned upside down last night. Even though it is not a situation I ever wanted to be in or ever will be in again, I learned from it. A lot. I learned that the most important thing in my life to do is to raise my children with love, respect and discipline. Not mean discipline but so they understand consequences. If I do that I have done my job. I am thankful for the parents I had who taught me right from wrong, who gave me consequences for my actions. I am also thankful for the moral guide the Lord gave me. I say that because even if a parent has done all they can to raise a responsible child it doesn't necessarily mean that child does what they are supposed to in life. They are supposed to raise their children with love and not hate, in security not fear, and provide for them as best they can. They are not supposed put them in danger, hurt them or verbally abuse them. I love my kids even more because of this experience I had. For those of you who know I thank you for your help in this. for those of you who don't know, please love your children a little more than you did before, if thats even possible.


  1. Hey girl not sure what's happening but hugs to you all. xoxo

  2. And my kids say that THEIR lives suck!! You are a fabulous mother, friend, daughter and ex-in-law. Your kids, myself, your parents and ALL of your ex-husbands family are lucky to have you around. I too am grateful for all of our families blessings!

  3. Thanks for what you have done Robin..I'm so glad that you were there to help. We are all lucky to have you and I hope you know that we all appreciate your help.

  4. Can't tell you enough how grateful I am that you were there...thanks for your help. It was an ugly situation, and I hate that you got drug into it. Love you bunches!

  5. I'm so sorry that you had to be there for all of the drama! It makes us all much more aware of the way we are raising our own kids and I can tell you it has made me much more knowledgable about our justice system ( or lack thereof) It truly takes a village to raise a child and it breaks my heart when the village can't seem to help. Anyway- thank you again for all of your help- the kids really needed someone that loves them at that time and I'm so thankful you were there.

  6. What a terrible situation, Thank god you were there to help :) What a life saver!!! Just when we think we have it bad we need to look around the corner and see what someone else is going thru or has put there self in!! Robin, you are an awesome person!!!
