Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Conversation with bUg

Bug: whats that?Coluzzle_w_1

me: my new coluzzle.

Bug: whats it for?

me: it helps mommy cut cool shapes.

Bug: show me

me: you put the paper under the template and take this VERY sharp knife and put it in the little lines and drag it all around the shape, but you have to be VERY careful not to.........

Bug: cut off your finger?

me: No i was going to say to be very careful not to slip the template around so that.....

Bug: you don't cut off your finger?

me: no so the shape is perfect.

Bug: So your not going to cut off your finger?

me: no sweetie

Bug: well thats just dumb.

Well alright then...

Img_0246w So this is what I did with my new coluzzle last night. So into circles right now and just thought this shape would be fun to play with. They are for a card swap but I am not sure if I can part with them they turned out so cute!! The card stock is Basil, PP is chatterbox, prima flowers, and Art Warehouse stamp. LOVE Those freaking stamps. I got them at Doodlebugs while on Christmas vacation. They are by Danelle Johnson and just so freaking cool!! So should I keep them or swap them out?


  1. Alright...if it's for Janell's swap...YES! And I had BETTER get one...those are sooooo cute. Love them. If it's for your CTMH swap...NO. Bring them down when you come. Those are the cutest thing ever! I need to get those stamps!

  2. Make different ones for janells swap and me you and lois can have our own swap with these ones!
    Youre with me here right lois?

  3. OK those are the cutest cards ever! Holy cow! Love them, great job girla!!
