Tuesday, March 28, 2006


K~ lost my keys today within a split second of opening the car doors. Ran inside to get new checks and boom GONE. Looked for ten minutes everywhere I could have laid them from the car to my desk. Couldn't find them. The kids went out and searched the car. Then just about the time I gave up hope I put my hand in my jacket pocket and there they were. What kind of brain did God give me? Most of the important stuff is stuck in there but these little details just can't seem to stick. Wonder if their is an on line tutorial on how to keep your insides organized?

Dr_who Loving the sci fi channel right now. They are finally playing my all time favorite show. The LONGEST running sci fi series EVER. DR WHO. Totally British totally odd, totally loving being able to watch it again. While living in Ceour d' Alene years ago my family and I got hooked on this show. It played on the PBS channel there due to the Canadian influence (Thank you Oh Canada!) I have slowly bought episodes over the past few years, the show being canceled quite a few years back. BBC has brought it back! New Dr and new travelers! Totally stoked. They are playing the 2005 season now in America! Making my life I tell ya!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Robin that is an awesome pic of them! Dr Who is big in our house. Jack just LOVES Dr Who with a passion. Who would have thought a whole new generation could enjoy the Doctor. But I am bummed that this doctor is only in for one series but the new Doctor is really cute !
    Jack has all of this series on DVD and loves it!
    Then there is the special one off episode with the next doctor called The Christmas Invasion... it is cool.
    Can't wait for the new series to start soon.
