Saturday, March 18, 2006

Had a blast at the retreat!

Home and ready for bed ya'll, and its only 6:53 pm. Gonna curl up on the couch and watch a movie with the boys. Here are a few I did at the retreat!

Chris_retreat R Stop Three

Lots of snow fell friday night and we were hoping to get snowed in so we would not be able to drive home this afternoon but the roads were fine. Here are some pics of the veiw off the porches of the cabin.

Img_5036 Img_5045 Img_5100

Img_5060_1 Img_5078  this was the NEXT day!

Img_5154_1 Img_5149


  1. Holy Cow! You rocked out!! So cute Lo's!
    I wish I wish I wish I had asked Ed about going...oh it woulda been so fun!
    Glad you are home safe and sound. We got snow too. Of course!

  2. OH your layouts are gorgeous. How can you manage to actually scrap at crops. I am hopeless.. I guess I talk too much. LOL.
    Love the pics

  3. Great LO's! Course those pictures are gorgeous! When are you coming to FL?
    Sounds like you had lots of fun.

  4. It was so great to see you at the retreat! We're looking forward to our photo shoot later this spring! I can't wait to see the boys, too!
