Thursday, October 20, 2005

What I look forward to in fall

Of course the gold and red leaves are wonderful. I love them I really do, but THISFall_005  is what I look forward to all year. I love my purple mums! They only blossom in the fall and when I pick them they last a good month in the house! Smell good too!! What do you enjoy about fall? Here are more things I like!

Hot apple cider

reading in a warm cozy home while its dark and scary out.

Crisp leaves.

Dark skies with colorful trees.



and of course Winnie pooh molasses cookies (luv u mom!)


  1. Ohhhhh I love fall too! One of my fave times of the year! (they are all my fave really!LOL) Here are a few of my treasures of autumn...
    -gorgeous fall colors!
    -smell of fireplaces smokeing outdoors in the early evening
    -seeing kids jump into HUGE piles of leaves in their yards
    -driving down the old numbered streets of IF and being in a literal umbrella of crimson, gold, umber and other color leaves
    -seeing the pumpkins out on front door steps
    -cool,crisp mornings when I just snuggle up in my blanket
    -the start of feeling like the HOLIDAYS are upon us
    I could go on and on...but these are a few!

  2. Mmmmm, Winnie the Pooh molasses cookies!! Wow!! Love them too. Love also nippy mornings and crisp bright sunshine afternoons, geese in formation across the evening sky, crunchy crackley orange and yellow leaves to step on while walking on a railroad bridge! Come join me!!

  3. Wish I could mom!! You remember the winnie the pooh cookies you used to make? YUMMMMMM
