Friday, October 14, 2005

Ponderings from me...

Why is it I look forward to Fridays more than any other day of the week? Is it because its dress down day at work and I can go in jeans? Or maybe its because the BOSS is hardly here on Fridays and i can get away with slacking? No its because Friday nights is my nights to cut loose and relax with the boys. Its the one night I don't rush to get dinner and dished done and two loads of laundry before bed. I don't have to worry about taking out the garbage or scouring sinks. Its our night to kick our shoes off and watch movies and eat pizza! I LOVE that time. Even the kids have it down pat what we do Friday. Tonight we are watching "twitches" on the Disney channel and making the pizza together. Sometimes that's more fun than getting it from Dominoes. They love shredding the cheese and spreading out the dough. I plan on taking pics of them to make a page about this tradition. Do you have a tradition with your family that goes on unnoticed? Something that happens so often that its a way of life now? Have you journaled or scrapped about it? I think you should! If you want to post links to your Traditions pages please do so!

Had a dream last night about a very dear friend that I used to have. He was so close he was my "brother". His name was Josh Jones. Our Sr year he crashed and was ejected from the car. He survived but with serious brain injury, and was NEVER the same since. He became angry and bitter and mean. I wonder now where he is and if he has changed back into my Josh. Sometimes things like this makes me remember that things can change faster than you can imagine. Also, all the what ifs...What if he had put on his seat belt? What if he had died? What if he had a fight with his parents and he had never made up? If you are out there Josh, know I think about you occasionally and wish you well..........

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl...very insightful blog entry! I agree, we need to preserve the 'mundane' in our lives too! LOL (did I even spell that right? LOL) I just took some pix around the house...thinking of doing a "home" lo! Hope to chat this weekend, HUGS Darla
