Monday, October 31, 2005

My CUTE trick or treaters!!!

Everyone say AHHHHHHH!!!!Boys_halloween_010


Not much time to work on the blog today but would like to share a few more shots of the Sr portraits I have been working on. Our last session was yesterday! It have been pretty cloudy all day and then boom the sun came out BRIGHT! Little trouble with that but we worked around it as best we could!!! Thanks for looking!!!27 23

Friday, October 28, 2005

Found this out about my birthday

Sounds pretty dang accurate...just ask my mother!!!

Your Birthdate: June 25
Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects.
You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details.
Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible.

Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show.
This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible.
In friendships you are very cautious and reserved.
You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions.

Got pumpkin?

LOL we do!! Me and the boys went over to grandparents house last night and carved up some SCARY pumpkins. Mostly scary on the carpet and even one of the seeds that landed on my glasses. They did very well though and did most of the work themselves!! I cut the faces they drew and voila!! Scary pumpkins!!! Pumpin_carving_061_3 We only got to light them just for awhile and then locked them in the garage because of the lovely children in the neighborhood already on a pumpkin smashing rampage.

Reading a new book. Not really what I expected from Dean Koonts. /Life Expectancy is the name. I am really enjoying though. Its about a boy who is born on a special night (the night his grandfather dies). Lots of predictions and clowns in this book. If you are a Dean Koonts fan I would read it!

Not much else to report! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your families company to the fullest!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mini file folder

Made this for family Christmas portraits!!File_folder

Some Layouts!!!

With my printer scanner copier at home on the fritz (yep have to get a new one) I brought some into work to scan! I am now 30 away from my 50 page goal!! Here are some of my favs!!! Bug_and_crhis

Chris and bug during a camping trip. The look on Chris' face tells how much he loves mom taking his photos!

Holiday_joy_1 Friend Sarah with Taylor right after Christmas. The boys have a very special place for Aunt Sarah!!

Hot_cocoa Cute one of the boys with some of my favorite letter stickers LAST christmas!! LOLSilly

Silly one of chris!!

What_i_love_about_you LOVE the way the colors look in real life! Not so much on the scan!! That middle green is NOT nearly so yellow!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Good monday morning all!!

What a wonderful day to be alive.. NOT! Just kidding I am very happy to be alive just not so happy to be at work.Had a WONDERFUL weekend!! Hung out with the boys, played board games, got Halloween costumes and even scrapped! I did 5 more layouts toward my 50 goal and 16 cards, one mini file folder book and a did a bit more on a current project! The boys even scraped with me! We had a blast. Weekend was warm enough that the boys got to play outside in the afternoon. Nice to open the windows and let in the fresh autumn air!

So my boys went off to school today with horrible hair! Tried my hardest to get them to go do it. I rush around so much in the morning doing this and that in the short time before work, that I completely forgot the hair again till I got in the car to get to school. Ugh owell.... know I hate trick or one in my neighborhood does the treats anymore so we have to travel to get any candy!! Maybe I should just supplement with goodie bags from mom.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What I look forward to in fall

Of course the gold and red leaves are wonderful. I love them I really do, but THISFall_005  is what I look forward to all year. I love my purple mums! They only blossom in the fall and when I pick them they last a good month in the house! Smell good too!! What do you enjoy about fall? Here are more things I like!

Hot apple cider

reading in a warm cozy home while its dark and scary out.

Crisp leaves.

Dark skies with colorful trees.



and of course Winnie pooh molasses cookies (luv u mom!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


And YES I am excited! Can't you tell? Got them for Saturday the 19th of November!! Can't wait!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cuffets anyone?

A co-worker cleaned out and non used desk here at work and brought me this Cufets. Cuffets; the vynalete wave to that has YET to sweep the nation! Used to protect your sleeves. Amazing what patents you can get...LOL The add says 1958 and petty dang good shape. Wondering if anyone actually wore these?

Having a good monday

You know when your house is in order when you wake up in the morning everything runs much smoother. I do NOT have toys in my living room!! Yay!! Made a new rule! No more toys in the living room. The boys have been having major trouble picking up after themselves lately and I am sick of it. So any toys that make it to the living room gets boxed up and put away. So far only a leapster has been grounded. They have been very good so far!

Did not do too much this weekend besides housework. Did get a nice visit from a Friend Sunday! You know who you are and THANK YOU!! Worked on a project I am doing for Sarah, and finished some cards for a cards swap! Other than that just did laundry and watched Extreme Home Makeover. Cried the whole show. If any one else saw it they would understand!!

Have had lots of comments and emails on the Sr. Portraits and I want to thank you all! The icing on the cake is that she Really liked them! She has been showing all her friends and giving me good Publicity!! Keep your fingers crossed!

Got my hotel room reserved today for the night of the STONES concert!! sooooo excited for that!!

Not much else to report! Have a good Monday everyone!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ponderings from me...

Why is it I look forward to Fridays more than any other day of the week? Is it because its dress down day at work and I can go in jeans? Or maybe its because the BOSS is hardly here on Fridays and i can get away with slacking? No its because Friday nights is my nights to cut loose and relax with the boys. Its the one night I don't rush to get dinner and dished done and two loads of laundry before bed. I don't have to worry about taking out the garbage or scouring sinks. Its our night to kick our shoes off and watch movies and eat pizza! I LOVE that time. Even the kids have it down pat what we do Friday. Tonight we are watching "twitches" on the Disney channel and making the pizza together. Sometimes that's more fun than getting it from Dominoes. They love shredding the cheese and spreading out the dough. I plan on taking pics of them to make a page about this tradition. Do you have a tradition with your family that goes on unnoticed? Something that happens so often that its a way of life now? Have you journaled or scrapped about it? I think you should! If you want to post links to your Traditions pages please do so!

Had a dream last night about a very dear friend that I used to have. He was so close he was my "brother". His name was Josh Jones. Our Sr year he crashed and was ejected from the car. He survived but with serious brain injury, and was NEVER the same since. He became angry and bitter and mean. I wonder now where he is and if he has changed back into my Josh. Sometimes things like this makes me remember that things can change faster than you can imagine. Also, all the what ifs...What if he had put on his seat belt? What if he had died? What if he had a fight with his parents and he had never made up? If you are out there Josh, know I think about you occasionally and wish you well..........

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

More sr Pics....

Did these last night. In "studio" These are my favs!!!3 7 Click here to see more.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Feeling of joy

Sometimes I run across a photo I have taken that gives me a complete feeling of joy! This photo is NOT of a  human (which is my favorite thing to shoot) but of the lovely pumpkins lined up waiting for adoption at our local U-pick pumpkin patch. We have been going there for 3 years now and look forward to it every year. Last year the wind blew 60 miles an hour while we were out there so I got NO shots! This year I got a bunch! Pumpkinpatchcrop_037

Wondering today WHY we carve pumpkins. I know its not for the itchy orange colored hands I get after scooping out the goop, or the roasted seeds cuz I cant stand those. I know why I do it, but why do WE do it? Did a little research...

The term Jack of the Lantern first appeared in print in 1750 and referred to a night watchman or a man carrying a lantern. Previous to print, it was used to describe a strange light flickering over the marshes of Ireland. If approached, the light advanced and was always out of reach. The mysterious occurrence is also known as will o' the wisp and ignis fatuus, Gaelic for foolish fire. However, its legendary status reaches far back into Irish folklore with a story of a stingy drunkard named Jack.

Jack, an Irish blacksmith, had the misfortune of running into the Devil in a pub on Halloween. Jack had imbibed a bit too much that evening and was about to fall prey to the Devil, but the quick thinking trickster made a bargain with the Devil, nonetheless. In exchange for one last drink, Jack offered up his soul. The Devil changed his form into a sixpence in which to make payment to the bartender, but Jack pocketed the coin in a bag with a silver cross with the knowledge that the Devil couldn't revert form. Once under Jack's thumb, and in his purse, the Devil agreed not to come for Jack's soul for another ten years.

Ten years later, the Devil came across Jack walking on a country road and explained to him that he was there to collect Jack's soul. Not ready to go, Jack, pretending to comply, asked the Devil if he would climb an apple tree first and give him an apple. The Devil, thinking he had nothing to lose, climbed the tree, but as he was plucking the requested apple, Jack pulled out his knife and carved the sign of the cross in the tree's trunk. The Devil was unable to come back down and Jack procured an agreement from him. The Devil would never take his soul.

Years later, Jack finally died. He went to Heaven, but was dismissed from the gates due to his drinking, tricking, and miserly ways. He then went to Hell, but was denied entrance because the Devil remembered his promise. Jack asked, "But where am I to go?" And the Devil replied, "Back to where you came from".

The way back was dark and windy, so Jack pleaded with the Devil to at least grant him light in which to find his way. The Devil, in a magnanimous un-Devil like manner, tossed Jack an ember from the fires of Hell. Jack shielded the ember in a turnip he'd been eating and left Hell to wander back.

Ever since, Jack has been doomed to wander in the darkness alone, and his name and lantern are synonymous with a damned soul.

The fear of souls like Jack's venturing back to the warmth of their previous homes on Halloween spawned a custom that is carried on today. Originally, Irish villagers, concerned about the possibility of visits from past occupants, would dress in costume to frighten away ghosts. They also left food outside the door to appease the spirits and carved or painted faces on turnips, potatoes, rutabagas, or beets to place in windows or doors in order to chase away ghosts with the symbol of a damned soul.

The Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800's prompted a massive immigration to the Americas. With the Irish, came their beliefs and traditions, including the use of a jack o' lantern. The Irish discovered that turnips were not readily available in the Americas and substituted the vegetable with pumpkins instead.

The jack o' lantern is easily the most recognized and used symbol of Halloween in modern age. Not only is it used outside front doors in traditional form, but it's become the veritable treat container for trick or treaters. While the face of the jack o' lantern has changed over the years with the advent of pumpkin carving kits, it's still an ongoing tradition.

So there you have it! Have fun with your pumkins this year!!!


Here are some of my favs from my photoshoot this weekend....539299r10420a 539300r10717a_copy_6

Monday, October 10, 2005


If anyone out there has any tricks to making the cool banners I see on all the typepad blogs I would love to find out how to do it!!!


Hello did anyone find my mind?

Oh Gosh!! To wake up from a headache induced sleep is NOT fun! Feeling the pain throbing right behind my eyesockets does not give me the feeling of a restfull nights sleep. Almost gone though....ugh

Friday, October 7, 2005

More Scrappin fun!!

Made this last night at myBoo_book_1  Close to My Heart Card club! Adorable little album/card! Had fun!! I am only working half day today and then the boys and I are going to see Wallace and Grommet and the CURSE of the WERE RABBIT!!  I have a fun Saturday planned! Cropping with my niece at Express the moment, and Sunday I have a photo shoot! Hope you all have wonder weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Fall fun!

Me and some ladies from our CTMH stamp club went to Roberts saturday night for Ladies Night out! Here are some examples of the make and takes!!File_folder_sizzix_1

Need a place to post your work??

If you are a bit like me I somtimes like to share my work. If you need a space without much hassle try family scrappers!!

   Join Familyscrappers   

 MSN Groups

Circle Journal

Thinking of starting a circle Journal after the first of the year. If anyone is interested please email me and let me know! IF you need more information on a circle journal here is an artical you can read!

Circle journal!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2005


Amazing isn't it how low you can feel when you get so involved in something you think you are good at then you see someone elses work and you sink because yours is not as good. That is how I feel today. Proof_1 A little let down at my talent wondering if I should even give this business a try. I remembered the other day the bible story of the three talents and how God wants us to use them. Can I use them? Is photography the talent I meant to share? Am I just fooling myself?

Monday, October 3, 2005

Fall is HERE!!

Woke up this morning with a crisp feeling in my brain and the urge to decorate the house for fall!! The feeling of holidays to come invigorates me!

Got a lot done this weekend including vacuuming out the couch. Found a couple missing remotes and some chargeable batteries! SCORE!

Also have 13 pages done toward my goal..did cheat a bit though. Went to ladies night out at Robert's and bought some cropper hopper vertical storage things. I couldn't resist they were offering a 40 and 50 % off coupons. I used both! LOVE the storage. Got most of my patterned paper organized in them already!

Pretty good relaxing weekend all around!!