My lovely 92 year old grandma

My sweet cousin Kendra

and the bird...yummmmm.
I am not in any way celebrating black Friday! Just hanging out with the boys till we go meet the inspector at the new house me and my mother are buying!!!!! Anyone know someone looking for a house to rent or buy!!!???
Then its home to do some laundry and quick tidy up then we honestly are going to play just dance till we drop. Not only do we need the exercise because of yesterdays amazing dinner but, also because after it stopped snowing and the sun came out the temps dropped to below zero and its just WAY to cold for the boys to spend any time outside playing. SOOO the energy level in this house is making the doors and windows bulge. I figure dancing is a great way to use up some of that energy!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Have a great rest of the weekend!!
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