Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So very sad....

I did not lose the house. No I did not break and arm, neither did my children. My dog didn't die and I didn't break a piece of my hand blown glasses. What I am crying about is the series finale of Gilmore Girls. One of my favorite shows and now its done. Its one I REALLY liked. Always looked forward to and liked to watch the reruns. Tonight was the end. The last show...it got me thinking back to the last series finale that I cried at. It was family ties. My favorite show of the time. I remember them coming out and saying goodbye to the audience after the last scene. I cried then. I am crying now. But you know I lived through it and I will live through this....sigh....giggle.

My children are losing teeth left and right...AT THE SAME TIME!! I hope the tooth fairy is stocking up on dollar bills. She will be visiting our house again for the second time this month.

My layout is posted at the Little scrapbox so i think its safe to share it here now! My assignment was to do a themed layout with non traditional paper. My theme was baby boy...I have no more baby boys so I borrowed a friend of mines! I took this picture of her wittle Caleb last July and he is sooo freaking cute!!


I have another layout due next Sunday and will share that one when I can!

Had an engagement shoot with a dear friend of mine this last Saturday! They are getting married in June and this is my wedding present! here are a few that struck me so far!

6w 4w 3bw



  1. What a sweet faced baby boy. I have 5 grandsons and use that color combination so often. Your LO is gorgeous. Simple. I love simple but, it can be hard to pull off.

  2. well robin i dont even know what the gilmore girls is. but nice photos of shannon and paul

  3. Ya'know... I just could never get into that show, but Dani LOVES it and is going to be bummered out too!
    Cute pix and I LOVE your lo too!

  4. Loving that layout!
    Congrats on the house.
