Friday, February 24, 2006

{I am breathing a BIG sigh}

Stacy Julian is my new best friend. She simplified the scrapbook album for me! Over the past year my scrap booking "way" has changed so much. I say way not style, I have not scrapped chronologically in about a year and a half. One photo pages are everywhere and I am scrapping more photos that speak to me than events. Stacy has several albums. One for a book of us with tabs for each family member, people we love for immediate family and friends, places we go (with tabs for home and near and far tabs) The things we do (everyday life, accomplishments, traditions, sports, and recreation. She also has favorite photos, just because, Halloween, and Christmas. She has let go of the guilty feeling of not being "caught" up on her chronological scrapping. Its even easier to file pics. She said she does not have chronological memories, so why should she have chronological books. This system is going to save me. Every time I have done a photo i JUST took with so much satisfaction I look back at the ones for 2005 I have yet to complete. I am almost done with 2005, so I am changing my ways! I am NOT a chronological scrapper! I just SCRAP! and put it in the correct slot. No I will NOT feel guilty my children do not have 18 books to take with them. Chris already has SIX! I will do a School book for each that they can take and a few special mini books I make for them through the years but that is it! I will once again feel the joy of scrapping!! Not the guilt of things not done! I am SO relieved!

1 comment:

  1. VERY VERY interested in how this works! You need to tell me MORE please?! Liking this whole idea A LOT!
