Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happiness is a matter of choice.

Called a client this morning and believe it or not this was on his voice mail.

Happiness is a matter of choice

I completely agree. It's my choice to be happy. Depending on other people for my happiness will completely ruin it. I am happy, almost 99% of the time. I use my happiness to create, love, nurture, and BE. I have never really been depressed. Moments here and there maybe for a few days if money is tight, but not more than that. I do have a problem though, a different one. I have problems dealing with fear. Fear of no money, my children getting hurt, loosing my job, crashing my car, loosing family members. I have so much fear that I tend to hold back. Especially where my children are concerned. My children are 8 and 5 and this last summer was the first summer they were aloud to play outside with out me. While their outside the front door and windows HAVE to be open (with me usually at one of them watching their every move), and the dog has to be out with them. He barks at every stranger. They are NOT aloud in the front yard with out and adult and can not even ride their bikes on the sidewalk without me. I am completely a freak about that. I don't live in the greatest neighbor hood but not the worst either. Cars drive past my house going 40 most of the time. 2 kids have been hit on their bikes on that street. We can't get them to slow down. 4 months ago, some drugged up maniac tried to kidnap THREE people not 2 blocks from my house. All victims were able to break free from him and a couple neighbors sat on him till the cops showed up. Not something that makes me feel secure I tell you. Am I completely too far one way? Do I need to let go a little or am I justified? How do I know if I am doing the right thing for my children? Am I just too neurotic??

1 comment:

  1. Robin, I think you are a FUN, amazing, crazy, and RESPONSIBLE person. You CAN be all these things, and YOU ARE! I think the craziness with the boys stems from two things. A: you love the boys more than anything in the whole world and you can't fathom what you would do if something happened to you. They are you. and B: you are 100% solely responsible for the boys, you know that and you do not want, under any circumstances, to put them in ANY harms way, it is your "job", yours alone and you know that. You are a super super super responsible person and that makes it even harder for you. JMO but these are why you are a "wee tad" overprotective, but you are not hurting them, they are not missing out on anything and they are SAFE and that is most important!! HUGS TO YOU- A WONDERFUL MOMMY!
