Thursday, January 19, 2006

Didn't have a topic till now

I am sitting here at my work desk trying to come up with something witty and charming to write about. Maybe an explanation of why i scrapbook, the inspiration I am getting from Donna Downy's class at Big Picture, or maybe how proud I am of Bug writing his first sentences. No I am NOT writing about any of those. I am going to write about my reaction to a conversation i JUST had with my father. The conversation that took place JUST before I started to type this.

He handed me a letter from his banking institution. It was a letter thanking him for his many years of loyalty, and dedication. The letter was a gift a gift of family photography. A gift of ONE unattractive, stereotypical family portrait. I thought he was showing it to me as a business opportunity, an idea for future use. Good idea actually but whatever. Then he said I think I will talk to Gloria and take advantage of a free photographer. HELLO!! What the Hell am I? Chopped, fricken LIVER!! AHEMMMMMM!! How many times have I told him I would LOVE to do a photo shoot of him and Gloria! O'well.....guess he really doesn't take this seriously...I guess I will show him! Any one want a free photo shoot!!??? One just became available!!!!!!!


  1. I will take you up on the photo shoot...but on one condition, you have to come to Seattle this summer! Sorry about your dad...remember sometimes men don't get things! I love you!

  2. Just like Sara said...Dad's are MEN too... OYE!!!! Way to go Dad!

  3. Family and friends never get it! It drives me nuts! Friends will get married and I will offer to photograph it for free and they will say no we are going to go with the $3000.00 photographer..Hey I get paid that much normally for the same thing..How bout you throw your cash my way if you are itching to spend it :-) Problem is they don't see what you do on a daily basis..they see me staying home with my kiddos during the week..not the weekend sessions that only take 40 minutes each and the 1 am births. I would love a sitting! We haven't had a family photo in three years! I am always behind the camera :-)

  4. I want one!!!! I'm wanting to scrap some things about myself this year (a first) and I would LOVE to have you take some photo's for me. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have do it. In fact, I can't think of anyone else I would LET do it. You know me...I hate having my picture taken. I'm used to being behind the camera. I love all the photos you've been taking, and I've got to get with it and take more. I haven't hardly been taking any, which is stupid. I used to take my camera everywhere, then I took it, but didn't take pics, and now it's like...oh well. Maybe I'll get some pics next time. You're inspiring me to get with it. By the way...are we going to do another CJ sometime this year? I would love it.
