Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Right around the corner

The Christmas season is right around the corner! I am almost done shopping! A few more projects to make this next weekend and then I am done! I even finished my Christmas cards!

One of our holiday traditions is to get ONE new ornament for Thanksgiving. Thats when the season begins for us. I get each my kids a ornament for the tree we put up the weekend after turkey day. My kids love it. This year Taylor's ornament is Elvis gyrating his hips. Yeah i know....but he will LOVE it! I haven't found Chris's yet but hope to do that today while I am out.

Another tradition is Christmas movies. I try to add one to our collection every year. I think this year will be Rudolph. We love that one.

We also have recipe traditions. We love to make hot cider in the Crockpot, make cookies, and sticky buns for Christmas morning.

What traditions does your family have during the holidays?

Friday, November 21, 2008

One word for you all today! Ok maybe two.

SURVIVOR!!!!!!! HOLY crap....YEs holy crap.....if you watched last night I hope you laughed just as hard as I did!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....the BEST move in survivor history!!! Go Bob!! giggle....

If you don't watch survivor then you really won't understand what I am writing about. I am truly sorry you don't know what I am talking about.

But I have brought you help!

First BOB (the older, skinny man) made a fake immunity idol. only a few people knew, and NOT Randy the man who received the idol from bob. i laughed soooo hard!! Randy is so mean!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Productive weekend

Well this weekend I have actually been pretty productive. Worked on a few KNK projects, some Christmas projects and even completed a full rag quilt for Taylor! I can't show you any of it! LOL...

So I thought I would show you these. I did them a few weeks ago and just keep forgeting to post them!



Arrow of Light

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random kid quote of the day

While driving to school this morning:

Chris: I want to be imortal.

Taylor: What's immortal?

Chris: That's when you never die.

Taylor: Oh, I want to be a dog.

Chris: Why would you want to be a dog?

Taylor: So I can poop anywhere I want.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sometimes the love shines on through

Yesterday my oldest had a really hard time with a mean kid. The kid has never been mean to him01 before and while they are not 'friends' it still hurt Chris a lot. Enough that when he came home from school he burst into tears. He did tell me all about it and it seemed to help to get it off his chest. My advise to him was to ignore the kid. Act like he isn't around. I told him that the more hurt he shows the more the kid will bug him.

Chris is so sensitive that its not easy for him to let things just roll off his back. I worry that his skin isn't thick enough for the bully's in the world. Let's face it. Everyone gets picked on. I sure had my share of it. I just learned that what they said didn't matter and they were all just a bunch of pooty heads anyway. I don't think Chris can do that yet.

Taylor asked me at bedtime last night what was bothering Chris and I just told him that there was a mean boy in band class who was giving him a hard time. Taylor became infuriated and started telling me what Chris should have done. I had to remind bug that Chris was different and more careful with people's feelings and that its really hard for him to stand up for himself.

After tuck in time for both boys Taylor snuck into Chris's room and got up on the top bunk with him and gave him a huge hug. I started to go into the room to tell him to get back to bed but Taylor was telling Chris how to handle this guy. Telling him to tell the kid to shut up and mind his own business. To stand up for himself and not let this guy make him cry. Then he told them if that doesn't work "you tell him his brother will beat him up". He would too. At that moment I knew it. I knew that even if they fight like cats and dogs over the stupidest things they still love each other fiercely and completely. Chris gave Bug a hug told him he would appreciate that, and then moment was over. They went to bed happy and together. I couldn't bring myself to make Bug go back to bed. I guess what Chris needed was his little brother for this situation. Hopefully the kids won't make fun of him today, cuz I would hate for Bug to get suspended for beating up a sixth grader. I know Taylor would follow through because back in day care there was a mean mean kid (i mean really mean) who picked on Taylor from the time they were old enough to crawl! They would be laying on a blanket all happy and cooing and G (I will call him that for his protection) would roll over and bite Taylor on the arm or leg! As they got older he continued to pick on him, take his chicken nuggets at lunch, push him, tease him. I even think at one point the kid locked him in the bathroom. One day I got a call from the daycare, when Taylor and G were about 5, warning me that I may get a call from G's mother. Apparently Taylor had just had enough and stood up on the picnic table and yelled at the top of his lungs, "G I am going to kick your ASS!!!" And then he did.

G is in Taylors 3rd grade class, and was in his second. G dose NOT pick on Taylor and they play at recess all the time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bing Crosby makes me cry....

I am already in full swing for Christmas. No decorations yet or anything but I am in full swing on the shopping, making, wrapping and enjoying!! I am not ashamed to admit it. I am an adult now I can do what I want. If I want to listen to Christmas music in the middle of November i can! And i am. Of course the wonderful round of Bing Crosby singing white Christmas while my aunt flo is visiting is not a good combination. Its like watching a Hallmark commercial, you know the one where the big brother is away at war but makes it home Christmas morning to surprise his little sister. K, he may not have been at war but he was gone a long time ok. Any way....a good Bing Crosby makes me bawl, and get goose bumps.

My mom used to have these fantastic records that she would play at Christmas. Bing Crosby of course, Perry Como, Johny Mathis to name a few, and I still have them. I don't use them, but they are in a box in my closet. I will never let them go. Even now if there isn't a swing band in the music I usually don't listen to it. I might listen to a few different cd's at Christmas but I head right back to that era. That feels like Christmas to me. Oh that and THIS cd....All TIME FAVORITE FROM THE TIME I WAS ABOUT 4!  I know all the songs by heart AND what order they come in. I would shut myself up in my bedroom and listen to my mothers tape over and over and over again (oh wait that was lastnight with my IPOD) AND SING!! Constantly. You were so patient mom. Thanks for letting me do that!  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Haven't been posting cuz I have been BUSY!!

I am doing quite a few handmade gifts this year and that is where all my spare time is going!! BUT I did however do something for me!!

Here is my Album modeled after Alli's Christmas album!!

25 days of December album

Monday, November 3, 2008


Alli Edwards is an amazing scrapper. I may not like her 'style' all the time but the WAY she scrapbooks amazes me. Me and my friend Sarah have been really enthralled with Alli's concept of her Christmas mini album. Go here to see her concept. We  have both decided to do one of these albums. I had planned on doing it this weekend but ended up finishing some quilts for Xmas presents instead. Sarah on the other hand got right on it and I am thoroughly jealous! She emailed me all her pages and now I want to start more than ever!!

She does not have a blog (yet...nudge nudge) so i put her pages in an album here for you all to look at!! She actually included the dates to the 28th of December which also happens to be her birthday. Take a look and leave her some love!!

Sarah's album

Oh and THIS is what happens when my kids get all liquored up on root beer!

Fun Halloween!!

Friday we had a pre trick or treat party with friends and family. We ate pizza, caramel apples, candy and laughed and giggled. The kids were all dressed up and so cute. I didn't get too many pictures of the party but here are some of my kids and Heather's son.


Taylor was a vampire (thanks Heather for the makeup) Garret was an army guy, and Chris was a mad scientist.

After the party we treated at a few houses in our neighbor hood and then we decided to head over to my friends neighbor hood and it was PACKED! I had never seen so many trick or treaters. My friends hubby said they had at LEAST 200 kids. We spent a good hour there treating then came home. It was such a beautiful night. It was so warm! we didn't even wear jackets! That has got to be the first Halloween I can ever remember that we didn't' need freaking snow suits to trick or treat! We had so much fun! It was even enjoyable to me to walk with boys and not freeze to death! Then we came home and sorted candy. We took out the peanut containing candy in Chris's and traded them with Taylor. Then we watched scary movies in my room! All it all it was a GREAT night!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I got a new freezer! With all the pre-cooking I have been doing the need for a freezer has increased! My mom got me one for Christmas! YES its early but when do you think I might need it the most?? lol...here she is! THank you sooooo omuch mom!!!!
