Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm in Loooooouuuuuuuve......

Carmel_apple_spice_2  Run do not walk to you nearest starbucks on the corner and order a tall Carmel apple spice. OMG....its almost like .......... well you know. I am soooo in love with this drink!! Gave me warm and fuzzies....just perfect for the cold rainy day like it was today!

For about a week now I have been craving my moms hot cider she brews in her crock pot. We used to always have it about this time of year. Along with molasses cookies shaped like Winnie the pooh. Coolest cookie cutter ever I tell ya. Well anyway. I just really wanted some today after work so we were going to head to albertson's to get the ingredients and on the way there I remembered that someone had told me about some cider drink at starbucks. Me and Taylor are the only ones in the family who like cider so I thought 'might as well just get a couple cups and call it good'. Little did I know that the addictive flavor of this particular drink will now have me going back again and again. As a matter of fact I think after the boys are done carving their pumpkins we might take a trip to get some more....

I love the fall....

It is one of my most favorite times of year. I am not a cold person but don't like hot either. Fall seems to be just right. However in Idaho Fall only really lasts a week or two, if we are lucky. Right now the rain is coming down and its cold and yucky. I have a cold and feel yucky. My oldest got sick last week and I ended up keeping him home Friday and not venturing out much at all this weekend because I got sick also. I finished up and entire rag quilt though!! My first one! LOVE how it turned out! I would show a pic but I am at work and didn't bring my camera. I have the quilt but no camera...go figure.

Tomorrow is Halloween. Yippee. Never have been one for Halloween. Sure we go trick or treating and carve pumpkins, but I don't go all out and spooky. A few houses down the street they have grave stones and spider webs and the like and my kids think its all cool, but I just don't. I am MUCH more into thanksgiving and Christmas. So the boys are excited to trick or treat. They both have their costumes and we are going to do a short jaunt around the neighborhood. They are good with that. They enjoy it and always get just the right amount of candy. Not too much, but not too little.

I am ready to move on to the Christmas season. Never have I been this anxious! I think its the new house! I can't wait to get it all decorated!

I have two shoot this weekend and have two shoots to proof. busy busy busy time of year I tell ya!!

Hope you all have a good one!


Monday, October 22, 2007

taking time out

I have canceled 3 appointments, 2 conference calls and a meeting at the water cooler to write this entry. No not really but I am taking this few minutes that the boss is out running errands to get some info out there. I have had SEVERAL people. ( yes mom your not the only one) call or email worried about me. I have been insanely busy and have really not had much free time at all. While the busyness is great and moves me even faster toward Christmas (YEAH! My favorite time of year), all i want to do at night when the kids go to bed is crash. I don't get to however. Been busy proofing these


working on these for KNK, among my own stuff.

Picme3tch Picqc7kte_2


Plus doing calendars for a calendar swap, and 2 circle journals.

Not to mention another photo shoot to proof, a shoot tonight and keeping my house clean. And working on my yard in between rain storms. The computer just really hasn't been a priority.

I have however enjoyed my October IMMENSELY and even had a wonderful afternoon and morning with friends on Saturday that included a lovely lunch and the purchase of a CUTTLEBUG!!! YES LOIS a cuttlebug....you HAVE to get one!! I used it a lot this weekend and so glad I made the decision to get one! It uses ALL the dies i have. QC, Sizzix, sizlits all of them. It cuts like BUUTTAAAAA.

Already started Christmas shopping! I have two gifts already purchased! well one is a quilt I am working on so its not DONE technically. I did however get my little brother Matt's gift already. Go figure he'd be the easiest!! lol....NOT...kind of a lucky break on my end. So that's pretty much it in a nut shell. Next weekend is the all day crop at the Knk site. should be a ton of fun!!

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine I am getting!! giggle!!

Oh and by the way this whole entry took me an HOUR to do because of so many interruptions. THATS why I have a hard time blogging!!  So I have to hurry quick before my sessions times out!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

I have been tagged!!

By Jayne

1) Link to the "tagger" & post the rules.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself- random / weird facts.
3) Tag 7 people & link to them.
4) Leave comments on their blogs, so they know they've been tagged.

So, if I tag you.....follow those rules!!!!!

Jaynes blog is here.

1. my second to last toe on my left foot is longer than my big toe.

2. I like ketchup on my pancakes sometimes.

3. I only shave my legs like once a month in the winter, I mean really, why bother?

4. my favorite thing in the world is to cuddle my children.

5. i still have my wedding rings from my failed marriage.

6. I love popcorn with reices peices in it.

7. I bite my nails.

OH goodness who do I tag next?

Heather, Cindy M, Christy, Darla, Lee Thats all I have!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

catch this


Its my month for my Close to my heart hostess club if anyone wants to order!!! ANyone??

big rest

well as the world around me sat in a snowy wonderland Saturday I chose to stay indoors. I did venture out to take the before mentioned pictures but that was IT. I did not set foot out of my house till Monday morning. As I watched the evening news that night I realized that staying in was a smart thing to do. We had fallen trees and icy streets, and closed highways. Then I read this story today. I am so glad my weekend did not go like my friend Darla's. Yikes....

my weekend was spent playing games, cleaning, doing laundry and yes scrapping....thank goodness! I am loving having my scrap space in my family room. At first I wasn't too sure but its so nice to 'be' with my kids while I work. They give me more time to do it and we actually enjoy being in the same room even if they are reading or watching TV. I spent a lot of Sunday going through my embellies and organizing them. Its nice to know what I have and where.

here are some of my recent creations!

this BOO was made using mostly mm stuff. Sorry for the yucky pic.


next one is a little mini book made to stand up on a shelf. I made it with the October kit from KNK. Had so much in it that I STILL have stuff left over to make more!! I made this for my Close to my heart club that meets once a month. We are doing silent auctions every meeting for a charity that help children. Its through CLTMH. This will be my contribution next month.


Sunday night after I cleaned all my mess up and the kids had gone to bed I had some more inspiration. I did a layout of Taylor bug at the beach near my mothers house this last June. I am going to finish up the journalizing then will share it will y'all!!

A happy day to you!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

My kids are going as snowmen for Halloween....

First_snowweb Firstsnow04web_2Yep this is us right now. The boys are out sledding down our dirt pile. The dog is frolicking in the snowflakes. I went out for a few SECONDS to take pics. Now I am back in my jamies with some hot tea watching them out the window. It has been snowing since early this morning. Who knows when its going to stop. When the boys come in hopefully they will be worn out enough and cold enough to slip into sweats and curl up on the couch and watch a movie (probably white christmas) so I can get some scrapping done!! GREAT thing to do on a day like this!! Firstsnow03web                                 Oh and jules I hope you read this and can see my little wave from my little white corner of the world.....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Name in lights or 15 minutes of fame

Ok its there!! my name and layout are officially loaded on the design team page at Kit n' Kaboodle!! yeah!!!

Go take a look at all the designers!!

design team and KNK