Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh sweet mother......

I am home. listening to sounds of my son's wall being cut. The boys bathroom shower has leaked since we got the house. They are now finally fixing it. I am glad it will be fixed. Really glad. It sucks sharing a shower with two growing boys. They use my face wash....they end up smelling like girls and I end up smelling like boy.

I was hoping they would have a simple fix for this so I could get to work but nope. Sorry LaRee!!


That kid up there prayed last night for cold temps so he could get out of going to school today. He almost made it. It was -18 degrees this morning and almost all the schools north of us closed but of course we stayed open. I guess snot has to freeze on the superintendent before they cancel school. Snot or something else anyway (snicker). Poor kid held out till the last minute though. He wouldn't let us turn off the news until I pushed him out the door and into the car. So very close baby.....Sorry.....

Today is also the 1 month mark. A month since my fathers death. I miss you dad.

Sunday, January 25, 2009





New baby,

I finally got a new baby. Yes its cuddly, smells great and coos when I talk to it. No not really but dang it if it doesn't make my heart melt!

I picked up my new 50d!!! With battery grip! Its like having a new love in my life. I have take several shots already. I wish I could outside and shoot but its snowing like crazy and COLD!!

Here are some I have taken inside. The first one is SOOC (straight out of camera) the second I tweaked just a bit.

Chirs first pic with camera 


All I need now is my new computer so that I can handle proofing again then I am open for business again!! Any one want to book a shoot for april, or may???

Today we went to Red Robin for lunch with Gloria and were going to go to the movies but the roads were so bad we decided to head home. We are in our jammies playing with cameras (ok just me) and the wii! Except Chris he is grounded.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I felt the need to create this weekend. I woke up Friday with a scrapbook idea in my head. I am using Ali Edwards overlays from Design Digitals. This will keep the album simple and uniform. I am doing it 8.5 x 11. I am using all the photos I scanned for my dad's slide show I put together for the funeral. I like how this one turned out.

I just printed the overlay on white card stock and then added the photos and journal block. I then cut down the white cs and placed it on a green cs. This will be the whole format. Easier and I can concentrate on my feelings and the story rather than design.


I also made a set of cards for my grandma. Simple and easy.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby Jesus, 3 wiseman, a shepard, an angel, and a bakugan

Bakugon christmas 

 This was my manger scene.

Nothing quite so holy as Teraclaw the mighty Bakugan warrior. He took his place in our manger scene this holiday season. I think he fits right in.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have no real topic I wish to suggest, no words of wisdom, anecdotes, or complaints.

I am studying like crazy for one last license I need to take over the business. Will be ready to take that in just a couple weeks!

Chris has a band concert tonight.

Chris graduated from D.A.R.E. monday.

Scouts was fun last night.

I need to put my finished scrapbook pages in albums this weekend. I really don't feel like scrapping but I do want them in my albums.

I love my new office desk.

REALLY looking forward to a three day weekend.

Taylor is dancing in the office while singing 'What you don't know...is how I feel...." cuz itsalllllright .

its been foggy every morning for a couple days.

Salad loaded with red pepper makes for a upset stomach.

i love studying. I am finding that out.

I just found a video on my point and shoot my youngest took of us at Garcias right before my dad died. My dad is on it. i am so very happy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Even though my life has changed dramatically in the last two weeks its not a change I could control. It happened whether I wanted it to or not. I have issues with control. I like to know exactly what is going on at all times. To feel like the decisions I make end with a solution I can live with. The solution to my changes is not something I want to live with but its something I have to live with.

I am having an urge for a change I can control. Cut my hair, get a new wardrobe, move furniture around. I have had the urge for the last week. To do something that makes sense to me. So I decided to move the office around. I can barely even go in my dad's office to clean, much less work. I fell all closed in and suffocated in there. It's just too hard. I thought "lets just leave it the way it is". Thats way to impractical for my mind though, and we kind of need the space. So my office partner is going to be moving into that office, his wife/secretary is taking my desk out front, and I am taking his front office. That will leave one office (that really doesn't have a reliable phone connection) open for a conference room. We have wanted a space for a while that was uncluttered to meet with clients to go over policies and have teenagers watch a discount video without distraction. That will be the perfect room.

Our other problem is our desks. We have half working desks through much of the office. The legs are broken and propped up. Dad's desk wasn't even his. It was our office partners, the one who is going to start using his office. My old desk is in his wife's office so that one is going to go bye bye. It is an old yucky metal one that if you are not careful can dump your monitor on the floor if you accidentally move it. I am going to get a new desk that has more storage for that room. We have already started to recover some of our waiting chairs and will finish that up as well.

Last month we finally got dad to agree to updating the office a little bit at a time. Paint was the first thing. During the Thanksgiving holiday Dad, the boys and I painted the front office a pretty antique linen color. It has a tint of green to it and it looks great with black picture frames.  I was going to take pictures of our town to frame and put up, then my camera broke, so that will have to wait till after taxes too. I am going to go to TJ max and get some of their plant stands I got for my house, that were really inexpensive, for some of our plants at the office. Some of the plants I got from the funeral are going to be perfect for the office.

That is the change that I have decided to make. Its something I can completely control and even have fun doing. It will be a good way to clean and reorganize so my brain can deal with the chaos. Is it too sudden? Is there something wrong with me to feel this way?

The change starts today. Wish me luck.


On to other things.

Before my father passed away I actually finished my knk projects. I never get them done all at once. While I don't really have the urge to scrap I did share my layouts at Kit N' Kaboodles last night. So here are two of my layouts!

Thanks  Jones 

  I really like this months kit. These pages came together quite quickly. There are fantastic embellishments this month that made it soooo easy!!


Tonight we are celebrating. My 'step mom', my kids, my step brother and his wife and I are meeting at our regular happy hour restaurant (and my dad's favorite) to celebrate one week of living. Of living our new normal life (as my mother said). Its been a hard week. Lots of crying, hugging, but lots of smiles too.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The amount of support I have received from everyone has been so wonderful. I never imagined how much comfort someone can receive by a simple card, note, phone call or even a hug. I will never forget to do that for someone else.

My kit n' kaboodles girls are just fantastic. They have been so supportive and understanding during this time. Thank you ladies.

My clients have been AMAZING. I have had people stop by to wish me well and give hugs. I get several cards a day and each one I open has wonderful words of encouragement. Thank you

My friends. You guys flippen ROCK. My friends friends from the area not only came to the memorial but they have called me and sent cards. My friend Heather took time one evening last week to just hold me. I felt so much better when she left. Thank you! and thanks to heather and Sherry for coming to my office yesterday so I wouldn't have to be here alone at the beginning of my day. How terribly sweet of you!!! LOVE YOU BUNCHES

To Sarah. You are the truest friend. I love you so much. Thank you for coming to be with me and helping me at the memorial. You were my rock and just the fact that you were there, a comfortable person who has always been there, means so very much to me. I love you.

And my family. I love you all so very very much. All my aunts and uncles and cousins who came and supported me and my brothers and sister, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For caring for us and being the family that you are.

My mom, I know that you being here was the first thought in my mind. Knowing that it would be even harder for me when you left i am glad you didn't. I know that soon in the future we will be together, and closer than ever. I love you.

Thank you to my mother in law who drove two hours with HER mother (love you Grammy), and a very pregnant sister in law to help me and my kids cope.

My ex. Who knew. He was so helpful. He CAME to the memorial and helped with the boys when they needed him and even had some wonderful things to say about my father. Thanks.

LaRee and Harold. You are two of the most caring people I know. You are here for me now in the office and were there for us during the memorial. Harold gave our family prayer and the opening prayer at the service. They helped with food. They brought food enough to feed everyone at my house. Their daughter Jessica brought food and actually just dropped off FROZEN meals for my family. Amazing family you guys have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There are just too many people out there who have helped me through this. I love you all.
