Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family reunuion revisited

Since my boss, who is also my father, said I could put Photoshop on the work computer I have been proofing all the family reunion pictures I took in August. Decided, just today while Im'ing Sarah that I would do 8x8 digital pages for this mini book so that if anyone else wanted them all they would have to do is print them out!

here are a couple!



Monday, October 20, 2008

i feel as though I have maimed my own child

I broke my camera yesterday. Yes my big one. I don't want to talk about it. hash it out or even give a play by play of what I am going to do next. All shoots are canceled until further notice.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


12w_2  This young lady was only about 3 when I met her. Maybe even younger. She was the cute niece of my fiance and now ex hubby. She used to believe that the pocket of my front overalls carried magic rocks. She used to sing " A kiss from a rose" anytime anyone would listen. I remember he carrying babies around like potato sacks and jumping on the tramp with all her cousins. She has grown in to a beautiful caring young woman. I recently got to spend some time with her while taking her Sr. Portraits. It made me realize how much I have missed watching her grow up. Sure I see her now and then but not like I used to. Now she is almost grown up and has future plans. Girl stop growing and become that little girl again for me will ya???

I am still proofing her SR portraits but I have some more on my photography blog!!

I have  temporary fix for my photoshop problem. My brother had given me a version of it for Christmas and I never installed it because I didn't think i could handle it. Well I installed it but it turns out its only a thirty day trial!! LOL. So I have about 3 shoots to proof in ONE month LOL..ok so 2.5 because I am almost done with the one I am in the middle in right now.

I brought one of the others here the office to work on when its slow. OH please be slow!! lol

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does it all have to fall right now?

ugh. sorry I haven't been here. I am not having any major drama or anything.. actually with one thing I am.

I washed my phone Friday so those of you who left messages I didn't get them till yesterday when i got my new phone. And yes I do know that you can check them on land lines but lets face it what fun is that AND no one really ever calls me so I didn't think to check!!

My photo editing software is not working. Now those of you who know me KNOW this is my major drama. I use this program EVERY day. EVERY day. No exaggeration. Not only am I in the middle of a shoot but I have one coming up AND one of my family reunion that I need to do. THIS is not the time for this to happen. I worked almost all day Saturday on it trying to restore my computer. My last hope is to reinstall the program......hoping Blake is reading this..giggle. If not I may have to buy a new program to put it on my work computer to get these done. I already talked to my dad (OK BAWLED to my dad and he said it was OK if I did that.) only problem is its about a 400 dollar program. Yeah freaked me out too. C'mon Blake pull through for me babe!

So anywho thats my life little bits and pieces falling, but at least I can pick them up!

OH and I have LOTS to blog about WITH pictures so that will just have to wait! lol....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

pennies from heaven!

what an amazing morning!

I woke up this morning to my youngest asking if he could cuddle cuz he was cold. he crawled in under the covers and stuck his FREEZING feet on my legs. fall but not liking the fact that its getting cooler! I love our cuddle time together. he loves it too. Sometimes he will set his alarm earlier than mine (about an hour before he NEEDS to wake up) just so he can come cuddle before I get up to take my shower. Then he sleeps in my bed while i shower and do my hair. I can not believe that he still likes to cuddle. I am so lucky.

Then as I was about to leave I noticed an unopened envelope under the table! I grabbed it ready to yell at my kids for dropping it and not picking it up when I noticed it was from my mortgage company. inside was a LARGE check for an escrow overage!!! How exciting!! There is my Christmas money!! hurrahhhhh!!

Yes are so very right. The Lord provides....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

seriously now

Will I ever find a trimmer that will fit all my paper trimming needs? I have been through several trimmers since beginning the stamping/scrapping lifestyle. I started with this.


Great little trimmer but after i moved from mostly cards to mostly scrapping it was wayyyyy too small. So moved to this.....


Worked pretty well till the plastic warped.

then i went with a more deluxe model. Really no difference except in design.


I broke the arm thingy....

so i got this...


It has been my favorite so far

then I thought I HAD to have this....


HATED THE THING WITH A PASSION!!!! Sold it at garage sale.

then I got this to replace the last one...


This one was way better than the mm but lately I have been unhappy with it. the paper at the bottom cuts ragged and i can never seem to get a straight cut. the main thing I hate is trying to trim thin strips of paper and not being able to put them under the guard without them moving before i can cut! I realized I really like trimmers with a bit of a grid on the RIGHT of the trimmer. Thats what I remember most about my cutterpede.

so last night I went and got this at Roberts at 40% off.


There is a bit of grid on the right, its a rotary, and has a gaurd. I haven't really had a chance to use it yet. I did take it out of the package this morning and cut a few papers with it. Seems to cut well and I like the little flap at the top. you just push it with your left thumb and it pops up just a bit to adjust paper. Seems to make that process faster! I will give a full review after I use the crap out of it!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

its and extravaganza!!!

Kit N' Kaboodles has started the wonderful 31 days of October on their message board!!  If you are a member head on over and make sure you start doing the daily challenge for points and goodies!!! Oh and if you are not a member sign up right now so you do not miss the fun!!!