Tuesday, July 10, 2007


House_moving_00111 So yesterday the 'worker guys' came and got my house all ready to move! this is what it looked like last night at about 6! hopefully today it will be OUT OF THERE!!!  I am almost embarrassed to show it. It looks so dilapidated! my yard looks horrible. Its usually mowed and trimmed. thats just been the last thing on my mind. As soon as they cleaned up the mess I will try to get in and mow it so it doesn't get out of hand. Hoping it doesn't die while the water is off....

Its all becoming very real. VERY real...finally. They are also taking the porch. Thank goodness. After its all out they will start excavating and working on the foundation. Once the foundation is inspected and dry they will move the new house on and start working on the finishing touches! I have yard plans that will be slow but sure so hopefully next summer it will be JUST the way I want it!! 


  1. How exciting!! Good luck with it all.

  2. Wow...it's finally happening. I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to come up and visit and see the new one.

  3. I am so excited. Did not realize how big the neighborhood trees had grown!! Your new home will look so inviting with the lovely green trees behind and the new purple plum trees in front. So sweet! Can't wait to see next stage.
    Keep cool!
