Thursday, October 26, 2006

So wayyyy to early for this!

So the little bit of snow we got yesterday (then melted) was enough to thoroughly put me in the Christmas spirit. Even though my boys are gone to the ex's this year I am soooo looking forward to it! I get to spend Christmas with my mom for the first time since the year I was married. Over ten years ago. It seems longer than that actually. I can't wait to decorate the tree, do some last minute shopping at the mall, and see my brother and new sister in law. I wanna bake while I am there too. Fix something that everyone will eat instead of making a whole dinner for two boys who say OOOOHhh gross the minute I put it on the table. AHHHHH And the rest......sleeping in...(maybe), and walks with my mom and her doggy. CANT anyway......... 

I have already started my shopping. Mostly on line because I am convinced thats the way to go now. Either that or I have to charge my way through the department stores only to find that the perfect gift I was looking for is gone. Whats funny is I know pretty much what I am getting everyone, except for my kids. Wouldn't it be nice if all they wanted was one of my prints with a big red bow on it? Hmmmm bet that wouldn't go over. Speaking of can look on my photo blog for some 'art' prints if any of you want some.

So if you are in the Christmas spirit and want to start shopping for me I will make it easy on you!! lol...i usually get asked by multiple people what it is I want for Christmas and I can never tell them... i NEVER remember here it list....

Tablecloths to go on my new 52x52 square table.

i desperately need new pot holders

Cookie Jar

Tea pot (just melted my old one!)

Unfinished wood shelves so I can paint them for picture frame landings

Black picture frames of ANY size

Money towards a new lens

Straight jacket

Mattress pad

tools (seriously)

A padded butt cushion that I can take with me to crops! LOL  really need that one.....

hmmmm thats about all I can remember OHHHH

GC to Barnes an noble would be a great one. LOVE their art/photography section!

So there it is folks....not wanting to seem greedy or pushy but if anyone asks this is all their gonna get!

Tried a new technique in photo shop. This pic made me very angry but I still love it. I have tried for a long time to get fun pics of my children smiling and swinging the THIS is the closest I have gotten. Most of them are just feet swishing by the camera or the tops of their heads as they head back the other way. This was composed almost perfect, but dang it all the camera focused on the SEAT...yes the ugly blue seat. But somehow this "color action" has given me peace! Love the color on this! It was fun! May try it on a few clients.


Actually got to scrap last night. There is a challenge contest at the Monkeys and I finished mine! With the retreat next week that is ALL I have been working on! Felt good to play! LOL.... Paper is Diane's Daughter, Used tripes of it to create the pleat on the side of the pic then stitched through it. It's hard to see in the scan but its VERY dimensional!


1 comment:

  1. These are awesome Robin. I can't believe what a great job you do.
