Monday, October 16, 2006


Had a fun weekend even though some plans got messed up! Went to the Harvest Fest on Saturday after a fun soccer game and ate funnel cakes, burgers and home made potato chips. I do have pics but they are on my home comp so maybe I will show you those tomorrow. Sunday I had a photo shoot and got tons of scrap stuff done. Don't have photos of that either. I do however have a photo of my new desk friends. I got them in the mail today from my mommy! LOVE YOU! I named them Melvin and Horace. Are they not cute! They have been so nice to me all day. Horace likes my shirt and Melvin says I'm cute......



  1. Ohhhhhhh kay, well, I'd think that maybe you need to start getting out more, but I know you already, maybe it is time to take a li'l rest in that padded room out back? Hee hee...... glad your new 'friends' are making you so happy! ROTFLMBO! LUV YA!

  2. Robin...I'm beginning to worry about you! They are cute and all, but if you believe they are "talking" to you...well, be careful girl. Just don't be answering them. That's all I can say.

  3. Melvin and Horace are precious!!!!

  4. OMGosh they are VERY cute!!! What a nice mom you have!
