Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Amazingly cold morning today. I had to turn on the heater vent! Making Taylor Bug VERY happy. His favorite thing to do in the mornings is to sit on top a heater vent completely covered by his blanket to keep warm. During the winter its an everyday thing. Lately with the colder mornings he begs me to turn them on. Until today I did not concede. What a happy boy I sent off to school!

Picture day is today. I didn't buy a huge package. Just enough to get some pics for the scrapbook. I feel like I am cheating myself. I can take better pictures of them than "the school photographers"! HATED writing out that check! Absolutely hated it!

Trying to find a way to come up with 5000.00 bucks for the digi camera I am dying to have. I might be able to get a Small Business Loan, but a bit afraid to take that on if I don't get enough clients. The major advantage to this digital is all the wonderful effects and lenses. It works with the SLR lenses I already have. PLUS clients can get larger prints! Large family photos WANTED! Large family photos GIVEN here!! LOL.....

I want this photography business more than anything! I love photography! It fills my mind almost constantly! I have tried to find courses locally but they do not offer it! There are courses on line but at 275 bucks a pop I need more clients to pay! My photography is good now but I want to learn everything there is to know! Not just to make money but to make myself happy and satisfied! Its a yearning.......Shoot_sept_12_2005_029_3

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