Wednesday, June 9, 2010

soccer season is FINISHED WAHOOOOO!!!

Don't get me wrong I really enjoy watching bug play soccer. We even watch the womans american team together because we enjoy it so much. Taylor likes the womans team better because they move slower so its easier to see where the ball is. lol. The last game of the season was last week and I missed most of it due to TWO conflicting kid things. I got to see the first 15 minutes and the last 5. After I left to drop off my other son at a band concert Bug made a FANTASTIC goal and I missed it! So mad.

The reason I am glad its over however is this freaking crazy weather. We did not have ONE game with good weather the entire season!! Rain, snow, Hail, lighting, and WIND WIND WIND!!!!!!!

Good Ridance...till next year.





  1. I can't believe how much Bug is growing up and changing! Crazy!

  2. Love the photos...and so glad you're posting. Even if it is "published" by schedule...just kidding. I'll bet you're all excited for vacation!
