Friday, July 31, 2009

The reason for the road trip last weekend

was my cousins wedding! It was in a beautiful camp ground near hamilton montana. It was such a fun wedding.

Bill topper 

Bill wedding 

Bill wedding01 

Bill wedding02 

Aren't they the cutest! I LOVED her dress!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

sacred ground

Friday after we took the stroll around the ghost town we headed down the road to the battleground of the big hole. It was a bloody battle between the Nez Perce and the us soldiers in the big hole valley. It was and awe inspiring feeling walking down on the prairie next to the Big Hole River. Seeing the mountain the troops crawled down in the night waiting for dawn. Where the warriors confiscated the howitzer gun, and where the decedents of Chief Joseph, Looking Glass and several others have erected tepee skeletons in memorial.



Sacred groundweb

Friday, July 24, 2009

hurdy gurdy girls....

Took a trip to Bannack Montana today. Great Photo opportunities. We spent a couple hours walking around town looking in the old cabins and learning about the mines and the people that made up the city of Bannack. Its a ghost town now and not at all touristy, so you get a real sense of the city.

Railing web 

My road trip mates at the Saloon...hence the hurdy gurdy girls.

Girls in saloonweb


A fantastic old stove in the last standing hotel.

Stove fp web


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Having a blast...wish you were here.

Having a blast with my mom! Not looking forward to her leaving this week.....

Mom web

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cool shades at the Mall

It was so incredibly hot today (102) and we were so unprepared so as we walked an outdoor mall I decided to get my boys so incredibly sexy shades! Are they not adorable. Chris wears glasses and really needs them to see we were happy we found the clip on kind. Don't tell them how dorky they are k? I just want his eyes protected. I really like this photo! Everyone cooperated. Even my mother! Thanks mom!

Glasses web 

I wasn't in the picture because I didn't buy and sunglasses. I have transition lenses and didn't need them. Are they not cute though! Can you tell they were about to pass out from heat? lol...

Monday, July 6, 2009

lazy days and lazy nights

Isn't that was summer is all about? Hanging out, running through sprinklers, sleeping in late? Well where the heck is summer then? All we have done is run run run. We are still going to bed at normal time and waking up normal time because we are so exhausted at the end of the day.

Tomorrow we are taking part of my dad's ashes and burying them at his headstone, along with a few momentos. Saturday the whole family (extended) are spreading the rest of his ashes where he wished. Some place calm, beautiful and meaningful to him. Not sure how I will react. Hoping I handle it ok.

So excited though because my MOTHER is coming on saturday also. Not to the ashes but to visit for two weeks! I am soooo happy. It will be nice to have a parental unit close. I have been missing that so very much.

Thank you mom for coming! Can't wait to see you!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Even grown ups need toys

For a while now my home computer has just not been cutting it. Its old and feeble and completely ready to crash. I had decided get a new computer with my tax refund but life got in the way and a new computer was pushed to the back of my mind. Until Thursday. I got my new Dell studio xps. Love it. Didn't know if I would like a lop top as much as a desktop but I do!!

We still have our old one and it will be used mainly for the boys, and games. It will get cleaned up and defragged and whatever in order to work just a bit better.

I am loving the mobility of having my laptop though! I was surfing in bed this morning! What fun! I know i HAVE made the right choice in getting my new toy. The boys are not aloud to touch it and that's nice too!

This weekend is about family. Tomorrow is a 4th bbq and Sunday is a bbq for my uncles party. So much for keeping up on my food decisions this weekend. I am however using ground Turkey for my burger. and lots of fresh greens for a salad.

We have fireworks and a hose at the ready for explosive fun. We are avoiding the parade and watching our local fire works from our back yard. Lucky we live so close. The traffic involved in our towns fireworks is unbelievable. You almost have to find a parking spot the day before just to get one. It takes hours to leave and its just not worth it. We can see most of it just fine and still have just as much fun!

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th and enjoy the family you are with!