Saturday our office held our first ever March of Dimes scrapbooking crop. It wasn't too big, but I think if we keep it up we could do much more next year!! I was stupid and took NO pictures but I did take pictures the night before of the Ziti I prepared for dinner. Everyone has always like my ziti so I thought I would share the recipe here!!
I start with my favorite pasta. I really like Barilla. Its available in most chains. I use 1 and a half boxes for a 9x13 pan.

Start a pot of water to boil. When it reaches its boiling point salt it well. I do mean well. Pasta is made for salting. Add noodles to the water.

Chop one full onion to the size of your choice. I cut it as small as my runny eyes will allow. Usually until I can't see any more.

Brown the onions with a pound of Italian Sausage. I do NOT use hamburger. You can if you want, or even do half and half, but to me it just does not taste right. To the meat and onions I added some salt and pepper. At this time you could also add a bit of red pepper flakes if you wish. It just depends on if you like a little more heat or not. It also depends on what kind of sausage you have.

Please do NOT forget about your noodles boiling!! Set your timer for 5 minutes. You do not want them fully cooked!!! After the 5 minutes drain your noodles and set aside.

Open two jars of your favorite marinara sauce. Again I am a Barilla fan. Use a few spoon fulls of the sauce from the jar to cover the bottom of your pan lightly. (9x13) This is basically to keep the noodles moist and from sticking to the bottom.

Combine your two jars of sauce and your meat mixture together.

Start layering your dish. I start with about half the noodles then I add half the sauce, then I add sliced provolone cheese and Parmesan. Then on top of that or right before if you wish I squirt some ranch dressing on it. Maybe a 1/2 a cup or so I just eyeball it. You are supposed to use sour cream but the last time I made this I didn't have sour cream and substituted the ranch. I liked it sooo much more that I use it all the time now. Feel free to use the sour cream if you with though.
Start your next layer the same way. Noodles, sauce, cheese and ranch. On the very top layer I just poor on the parm. nice and crunchy on the top.

I do not have a picture cooked because it was actually cooked the next day so I completely forgot to snap a pic!! You can make this dish ahead and the flavors will marry and just be sooo yummy with the noodles that soak up all the sauce and flavor. I usually put it in the oven at 350 for about 45 minutes. If you have refrigerated it at all you will more than likely need an hour. Its done when cheese is slightly brown and edges are bubbly.
Serve with green salad and garlic bread!!