Monday, February 1, 2010

Quick road trip

Saturday the boys and I decided it was time to get out of the house. We have had enough of winter. There was supposed to be snow but we didn't care. We drove up to a nearby town to visit Florence's chocolates. Its a cool candy store that looks like a swiss village. We got Chocolate for my grandma and had us some ice cream. Sorry the photos are so blurry. I did not take them!

Florenceweb DSC00338web

Afterward we drove a little farther to grandmas! I sure love this lady. She is the perfect grandma. She used to take me camping and fed me peaches and cream! A lot of my childhood memories include her! I am so very lucky to know her and sooo very lucky my kids have had a chance to get to know their great grandma! She will be 92 this August but really does not act like it. She plays bingo, and goes to Sr. dinners all the time. My heart goes out to her though. At 91 she has lost two children before her. First my Dad and then My aunt this last november. I can not imagine how hard that is on her. I love her sooo much!


Its always a big thing when the kids grow to be as tall as grandma in our family. Its like a huge mile stone or something. Every one gages the kids on if they are as tall as grandma. Both my kids are. Taylor is slouched so you cant really see but even my 9 year old is now as tall as grandma. She's only about 4"9. IF that. But don't let that fool you! She is a TOUGH cookie. On her wedding day many many years ago, they hopped in the back her new husbands brother's truck and traveled through the dust bowl to find a better way of life from Kansas. She is smart, caring, loving and hard working. She had the biggest garden I have ever seen and even though she does not grow the veggies like she used to she still has raspberries and lots of flowers. She tends them almost everyday in the summer. She is a wonderful woman.


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