Monday, August 6, 2007


Finally my two halves are ON the foundation!! Sorry I havn't been posting pics. I went to take them friday but my little camera just quit on me. Just done, gone, died. And I left my big one at work so I had to wait. Here is the two halves together!!!

House2halves House2halves1


  1. OMG!! That looks so good!!! I can not believe how it changed your lot!! AMAZING! You did great picking it out!!

  2. A little water, a little fertilizer, that lawn will come right back!! lol
    Such a pretty house!! Just perfect. CAn't wait for you to move it.
    And your commercial photo for bracelet is WONDERFUL! So well done.
    You are amazing, My DD!!

  3. I mean move IN!! Somebody already moved IT!!
