Monday, July 6, 2009

lazy days and lazy nights

Isn't that was summer is all about? Hanging out, running through sprinklers, sleeping in late? Well where the heck is summer then? All we have done is run run run. We are still going to bed at normal time and waking up normal time because we are so exhausted at the end of the day.

Tomorrow we are taking part of my dad's ashes and burying them at his headstone, along with a few momentos. Saturday the whole family (extended) are spreading the rest of his ashes where he wished. Some place calm, beautiful and meaningful to him. Not sure how I will react. Hoping I handle it ok.

So excited though because my MOTHER is coming on saturday also. Not to the ashes but to visit for two weeks! I am soooo happy. It will be nice to have a parental unit close. I have been missing that so very much.

Thank you mom for coming! Can't wait to see you!


  1. Your parental unit is looking forward to visiting as well!

  2. That's exciting that your mom is coming to visit you. Are you going to get anytime off? We are going to try and make reservations at the Shilo for next 4th of July...will it be worth it? Maybe see the fireworks?
    Glad you are getting together with your family.

  3. I hope you have a great time with your mom. I'll be thinking about you Saturday.
