Wednesday, September 24, 2008




This is what me and Christopher did together last night. We made home made salsa! I had all these tomatoes and nothing to do with them i dug right in!! I had been giving so much away to keep up with the harvest (amazing for only two regular tomato plants, and more coming) that I decided to keep the current batch to myself. I blanched and peeled the toms, Chris cut them up and put them in the pot and then I cut onion, jalapeno pepper (my thumb is STILL numb) celery, and cilantro. then we added spices and let it cook for about 30 minutes. My thumb was covered in jalapeno juice and while making dinner I licked it and my tongue went numb, after a bit of crying anyway. So when I was tasting the salsa I couldn't even figure out what it was missing or anything. I just decided to freeze it up and hope for the best. I got about 5 rubber made containers full. Little containers so we can finish up the salsa before it goes bad. I brought one into work hoping it was ok. LaRee some and said it was good so YEAH!! I did it!!

The kids punishment is going well....I got a ton of housecleaning out of them last night and they did NOT talk to each other at all. Every time they thought about it gave them a look. It was so quiet! holy crap. I mean quiet. Taylor asked me how long it would be before I let them talk to each other again. I really had to think because the peace was amazing. I told him it would be when i thought they could get along with out fighting and screaming at each other. Dang that could be years.....


  1. I have so enjoyed your blog. Monday, I went through your blog clear back to 2006. I could have spent hours. of course I only got to read bits and pieces, but I feel like I REALLY know you. What's funny is you were talking (sometime ago)on how good your boys got along and that they were best friends. How time changes! They are darling boys and I was very impressed with how polite and well mannered they were! The joys of being a Mom! I actually miss those days. I would love to go back to when my boys were that age - long time ago. OH I forgot, I'm only 46!! Hope your having a wonderful day! Debi

  2. I have so enjoyed your blog. Monday, I went through your blog clear back to 2006. I could have spent hours. of course I only got to read bits and pieces, but I feel like I REALLY know you. What's funny is you were talking (sometime ago)on how good your boys got along and that they were best friends. How time changes! They are darling boys and I was very impressed with how polite and well mannered they were! The joys of being a Mom! I actually miss those days. I would love to go back to when my boys were that age - long time ago. OH I forgot, I'm only 46!! Hope your having a wonderful day! Debi

  3. That looks wonderful! Wish we could have tried it out while we were there. I love fresh salsa (or frozen/fresh). Keep commenting...I love reading it.
