Tuesday, December 11, 2007

oh goodness....

busy week, busy weekend. FINALLY finished my Christmas cards! I made 36 in one style and got tired of it and did a much simpler design for the rest. Whew....hope to get those out Monday.

I am all done shopping!! Well thats not true. I have to pick up on gift certificate from our local theaters but thats it!! YEAH!!! Now to get stuff wrapped and shipped. I only have three people to ship to so thats good!

It was -2 degrees this morning. BRRRR......out came my heavy heavy coat!! lol...poor dogie HATED it! Well come to mention it so did I.

I am working on some more scrap projects and i wish I could share but they might read my blog so I can't lol....sorry!!


  1. I am so jealous....My shopping isn't even close to being done, but hopefully soon. I haven't had internet for a few days, but wanted to comment on your last post.....I totally LOVE the hair. I think it looks great on you!!

  2. Wow...wish I was done. I was moving right along and then Georgia went into the hospital and I've been doing her job after work...so there's nights when I'm here till midnight. It's really cut into my free time to do anything else...hate it. Glad you are doing okay though.
