Monday, October 22, 2007

taking time out

I have canceled 3 appointments, 2 conference calls and a meeting at the water cooler to write this entry. No not really but I am taking this few minutes that the boss is out running errands to get some info out there. I have had SEVERAL people. ( yes mom your not the only one) call or email worried about me. I have been insanely busy and have really not had much free time at all. While the busyness is great and moves me even faster toward Christmas (YEAH! My favorite time of year), all i want to do at night when the kids go to bed is crash. I don't get to however. Been busy proofing these

working on these for KNK, among my own stuff.

Picme3tch Picqc7kte_2


Plus doing calendars for a calendar swap, and 2 circle journals.

Not to mention another photo shoot to proof, a shoot tonight and keeping my house clean. And working on my yard in between rain storms. The computer just really hasn't been a priority.

I have however enjoyed my October IMMENSELY and even had a wonderful afternoon and morning with friends on Saturday that included a lovely lunch and the purchase of a CUTTLEBUG!!! YES LOIS a HAVE to get one!! I used it a lot this weekend and so glad I made the decision to get one! It uses ALL the dies i have. QC, Sizzix, sizlits all of them. It cuts like BUUTTAAAAA.

Already started Christmas shopping! I have two gifts already purchased! well one is a quilt I am working on so its not DONE technically. I did however get my little brother Matt's gift already. Go figure he'd be the easiest!! lol....NOT...kind of a lucky break on my end. So that's pretty much it in a nut shell. Next weekend is the all day crop at the Knk site. should be a ton of fun!!

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine I am getting!! giggle!!

Oh and by the way this whole entry took me an HOUR to do because of so many interruptions. THATS why I have a hard time blogging!!  So I have to hurry quick before my sessions times out!!


  1. Well, I for one, in all my naggy-ness, am glad you are alive and well and just busy. LOL :O) Sounds like you have had tons going on and having lots of fun while at it... I agree with ya on the yardwork - we get 2 hrs of sunshine vs 3 days of rain and a snowstorm! LOL! I need to rake leaves but I am SO not bagging up wet leaves! No way! No how!
    Glad all is well! Luv ya!

  2. Im so glad you are back! I miss your blogs, I understand about busyness!! UGH!! but yes time does go by faster when you are busy! Love you lots Jen.
    P.S. Your new pics are outstanding!! I cant wait to do our family!!

  3. I am happy that you aare postin more of your work.. LOVAELY! Girl, you can scrap. I signed up for the kits from KNK and definitely look to you for inspiration.
    Glad you are enjoying your home. Won't Chritmas in your new home be great!!

  4. Thanks, Robin. I am very relieved you are still alive and kicking. Busy seems to be everyone's problem these days, so understand totally. I can't even answer e-mail for weeks.
    Your lastest shoot is absolutely wonderful, and your pages are wonderful designs. I am tickled you are still so aware, even while so busy, of what a wonderful time in your life this is right now. Making mental photos to remember later.
    You are a very special lady, and you are loved a lot by many. GBY

  5. Hey lady...these look wonderful! Gotta love that photo shoot. How's all the work coming on the proofing? Your LO's look awesome.
