Tuesday, February 26, 2008

brave enough?

Am I a brave person or a chicken%#$T? I mean really?

I have a friend who is adamatly bugging me to try out for a comunity production of Brigadoon. She even told me she would go with me for support...i just don't know......

I can't act....I can't even lie.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

the After....

After a couple hours of practice and self motivation both my boys improved thier jumping skills. They are still not third place champion speed jumpers but they are getting there....

They are very excited that by participating in this jump for heart at school one of thier prizes is a jump rope! oh good....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I have shirked my duties as a mother...and a girl.

Ok so my kids knew thier abc's and 123's before school. They could recognize thier name, make thier beds and ride thier bikes. NOW they help with the dishes, they vacuum, dust and take care of thier own fishies. I have taught them all this. But I failed to teach them to jump rope.

We practiced some last night so I will post a AFTER video tomorrow!! giggle. One consolation is that the kid jumping next to him dosn't do so well either...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Knk debuted thier march kit!! I was so in love with this one and here are two layouts I have done so far with it!!



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

scrappy pics!

Here are some pictures of us girls at our scrappy weekend!!

Img_0480w Img_0476w Img_0485w Img_0479w Img_0461w_2

what a way to start the week!!

Holy cow am I busy!

I am....and that holy cow...not so busy.

Today is my Monday. I was lucky enough to have Presidents day off. Good thing too, because I spent the weekend scrapping with good friends and family (pictures soon), so I needed a day of rest and laundry, and furniture shopping! I am getting a new love seat for my living room delivered tonight!! (pictures of that soon too)

Today is my Monday. I did say that right?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Time off...

For me that is.

The boys are at thier father's this weekend and I taking time for me. I am off to have fun with other woman...whom I LOVE...really do guys. I am not going to worry about the closet that so desperately needs to be cleaned and organized. I am not going to worry about the ice I need to chip off my driveway. I am not going to worry about the fact that I need to vacuum. I am not going to worry about pictures I need to proof. I am off on an adventure. Its a safe adventure but an adventure non the less. So at about 5 today I am off......

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I am alive...really I am....

LOL... got a call from someone who cares today! (thank you) She was worried because I hadn't updated or emailed much at all and she is right...I haven't. Lately I have been dreading the computer. I really have nothing exciting to blog about. My life is boring. Its good but boring. so here is some randomness I am throwing at you!

The snow in my front yard is up to my boobies...yes I am short.

I got a new oust air freshener that smells like burnt plastic. (no not a favorite smell for me either)

My car ran out of windshield washer fluid. I bought a new gallon of it. It is still sitting on the floorboards waiting for instruction.

I got the new Kit and Kaboodle kit in the mail and i am DYING to use it!!

Chris's Green and Gold (or is it blue) banquet is tomorrow night for scouts.

I am eating pizza with family after work today.

My aunt is in the hospital ( she is fine )

I have a circle journal at home I still need to do.

I watched a fascinating show on discovery channel with Chris about an ice hotel in Sweden....

I am off to lunch!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

tagged again!!lol

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.

C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 Years Ago: i was freezing in a tiny town in nebraska.

Things on my to-do list today:

Blow snow...

blow snow

oh and blow snow

What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay off the house and by investment properties. Put money away for my kids college and enjoy the rest of my life.

3 of my bad habits:
Biting my nails




3 places I have lived:
1. Burley, Idaho
2. Leadville CO
3. Ceour d' Alene

   (there are a TON more though lol)

5 jobs that I have had:
1. Cleaning step dad's office
2. JB's
3. Insurance angent.
4. Photographer

5 Things people don't know about me:
(wow, this one is tough!)
1. I like to put my makeup on while sitting in bed.
2. I hate winter
3. I keep fold up tables under my bed
4. I dream of going to Italy
5. I love capri sun

I tag:
1. Dear Darla
2. Jayne
3. lee woodside


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

so lucky

I am so lucky...want to know why?

My kids can walk on thier own

my kids grow

my kids do not have constant pain

my kids are not treated differently than the rest

my kids are not turned away from drs who are tired of dealing with a disease that can't explain.

This lady is lucky. She has a beautiful daughter. Georgous in fact. But she needs some help....

If you can find it in your budget or if you would just like to spread the word please go here....


I donated....can you?????

Monday, February 4, 2008


I feel comfort as i look out my dining room window at the quarter sized flakes falling from a dark sky. The flakes are so big they float like feathers, swinging left to right. They are heavy and melt as they hit the window. I can feel the cool glass next to my cheek as I peer out at the yard. I am warm. I am happy. I am safe.

Safe from freezing temperatures and high winds. Safe from car accidents, and hypothermia. As long as I am here at this window in my warm home I am safe. I have no desire to venture out of doors. The sidewalk needs to be shoveled, as it has so many times before. I am done with that. I am fine if my car can't make it out of my driveway. Hibernation is number one of my list of things to do today.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Book Tagged!!!

I actually thought this one was kinda fun!!

The rules are as follows:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next five sentences.

5. Tag five people.

So from The Time Traveler's Wife:

We are halfway through the crossword. My attention has drifted.

       "Read that one again, child," says Grandma.

       "Twenty down. 'Monkish monkey.' Eight letters, second leter 'a' last letter 'n'.

I tag:




